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Legenda Aurea
ongoing project
Militants Descending the Stairs
gold leaf on c-print
Legenda Aurea (mirror mirror)
gold leaf and gouache on c-print
Legenda Aurea X
gouache and gold leaf on c-print
Legenda Aurea (Black Gold)
gold leaf and glass paint on c-print
Legenda Aurea VII
gold leaf on c-print
Legenda Aurea (Black)
gold leaf and gouache on c-print
Camera Obscura
glass paint on paper
The Bearded Ones in Paradise
Ceiling mural at Sommer Gallery, S2, Tel Aviv (group exhibtion, "New Wave") 4.5X3.5 m.
The Bearded Ones in Paradise #6
gouache and gold leaf on paper
The Bearded Ones in Paradise #3
gouache and gold leaf on paper
The Bearded Ones in Paradise #5
gouache and gold leaf on paper
The Bearded Ones in Paradise #7
gouache and gold leaf on paper
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